12 August 2009

new day

Today is a new day....well that was a dumb statement...because...nevermind, I'm not going to be that "over-dramatic/analytical/emotional" blogger that tries to make sense of senseless things. Okay, now that's out in the open. I have officially decided to change my attitude about my current occupational situation. I am being optimistic because I have so much to be thankful for. Obviously the Lord has been so faithful. I mean, I actually have a job...which allows me to have the time I need to figure out what it is I really want to do with this life I've been given. Already, I feel like somethin's a brewin' :) Can't wait to see where God takes this....AHHHH....secrets, I just love them!

So, I'm trying to be happy today. I mean, I am happy today. I can't wait to make my gym membership permanent!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!!!! I look so forward to working out.... call me crazy.

1 comment:

  1. dear blogging friend...

    i'd like to introduce myself...my name is blog stalker and I will be reading your blogs and occasionally commenting on them as well.

    I just thought I'd give you a heads up on that.

    BTW: Love the new attitude -> I think new attitudes are like new shoes...they just seem to take that same ole dress....and jazz it up a bit and make is super fun to wear like it's right off the runway. wow. that was deep. and a slight exaggeration, because I have never worn anything "right off the runway" unless you consider the runway a mall...or outdoor shopping center in which case my comment would then no longer be an exaggeration...but a personal expereince. So depending on what you define Runway as..determines the validity of my above remark.

    k...no more thoughts...i'm done.

    that's a lie..i have one more (forgive me lord)

    I'm praying for you...for God to let you find amazing purpose in this moment and this season...even if it doesn't make sense how it will benefit the future of maddi! and also that he lets us start the bestest event planning compnay in the whole wide universe.

    Luv u...

    renee (aka: the future producer of the hayden & madeleine reality show)
